Category: Uncategorized

  • Woman singing

    14 June 2021
    Recently a woman in her mid-fifties said she would love to take my singing classes, but it was no use anymore....
  • Chest voice and head voice shown as a graph

    11 May 2021
    Last week, the mother of a singing student asked me if the head voice was not a "wrong way to sing". In fact, it is...
  • 8 April 2021
    Can role models help us to realise our dreams? We all have big and small dreams. A trip to New Zealand, singing...
  • Silhouette of various athletes

    2 March 2021
    Would you do a deep squat with 60 kg on your shoulders right after getting up? What a question, will...
  • Woman sings with twang

    10 February 2021
    One of the most frequently asked questions in my lessons is: What is twang? Often, especially with beginners, the voice slips...
  • Singer expands vocal range without singing

    4 January 2021
    Can you extend your vocal range upwards without actually singing? By just pretending - and...
  • Happy people singing

    30 November 2020
    Can you really resolve to be happy - happy by singing? Yes, you can. Scientific studies show that...
  • Singer gives singing lessons in Berlin

    16 June 2020
    My name is Bernadette Kube and I have been working successfully as a singing and voice coach in Berlin for almost 20 years. My students and...