Singing in the choir

Bernadette & Friends31 May 2022
Singing group with piano

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When new students come for a trial lesson, the topic of choir often plays a role. Either the trial students already have choir experience and want to improve their voice and breathing technique or they would like to sing in a choir but do not yet feel vocally fit enough. In both cases I am very happy to help. Together we enjoy the progress and moments of happiness of having found a great choir, no longer becoming hoarse, mastering the high parts with ease or being chosen to sing a solo part.

More than five million people in Germany sing in singing groups or in a choir. It is a community experience, creates joy, a deep sense of belonging and inspiration. Singing in a choir has been proven to make people happier, and it even strengthens the immune system. 

I remember well the times when it was considered antiquated to sing in a choir; one had classical choirs in mind that sang in churches or concert halls. Until pop and rock choirs suddenly became popular, bringing contemporary hits to the stage in new arrangements. Thanks to the broad impact of new choirs in the field of pop and rock music, choral singing also became more popular again among teenagers. The Belgian girls' choir SCALA, for example, was very successful, here with the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana, which itself had already become a classic:

Even though the enthusiasm for choral singing has increased: Beginners looking for a choir often don't know how to proceed.

Here are a few questions you should ask yourself to find the right choir for you:

What music do you like and how much time do you want to invest?

Think about whether you want to sing concerts and have regular performances. Maybe it is enough for you to make music together in the choir rehearsals? Do you have time for additional rehearsals or choir weekends? Would you like to sing in a choir with an orchestra or would you rather just make music with other singers? What kind of music do you want to sing? Are you looking for a pop, jazz or gospel choir or would you rather sing church music?

How would you like to sing?

Do you also want to sing solo or do you feel more comfortable when several singers around you sing the same voice as you? Do you want to work on yourself and make vocal progress? Is it okay for you to be spoken to personally about wrong notes or similar?

Would you like to exchange ideas with the others in the choir?

Would you like to use the choir to meet people and make new social contacts? Should the other choir members be your age or do you not care about the age of the choir members? Are you primarily interested in making music together?

After the first few weeks in the new choir, you should think about whether you feel comfortable in this choir. Ask yourself if you like going to the choir rehearsals and if you feel neither over- nor under-challenged!

The easiest way to get a good overview of the choir landscape in your area is to do research on the internet. The choir associations in your area can serve as further contact points. There is a regional member association for choirs in every federal state. For example, the Chorverband Berlin.

Don't hesitate any longer, just go ahead and check out the different possibilities! The most important thing is just to try it out. No choir should have problems giving a new potential member a few rehearsals to test whether the choir suits them - and vice versa..

Until then, you can use the time to get your voice in tune for the choir rehearsals. If you are looking for good exercises to improve your breathing and singing technique, please have a look at my Online singing courses in!

I wish you much success in your search for the right choir,

Sing a Song - Be Happy!

Sing A Song - Be Happy

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