Learn to sing with the app - Singing lessons online

Bernadette & Friends22 September 2021
Singer takes online singing lessons

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Online singing lessons are more popular than ever before. What are the benefits of taking a singing course online? Can you learn to sing online? What is the advantage of using an app to learn to sing? And: are online singing lessons also suitable for beginners? These are questions that I am asked time and time again.

Advantages of taking a singing course online

The most obvious advantage of taking part in a singing course online: You are more flexible. No matter where you live, in Berlin, New York, Austria or Switzerland, with online singing lessons you can bring professional expertise to your home. Using messaging services such as Zoom or Skype, it's completely personal, just you and your singing teacher. Since our world has become "smaller", we are no longer tied to one and the same place. Tightly packed schedules, mobility, semesters abroad, kids and holidays are all part of our modern lives and demand maximum flexibility from us. With online singing lessons, you always have your "vocal coach to go" with you, no matter where you are. Forced breaks with your local vocal coach are therefore a thing of the past. Even if you are on the road a lot and have a busy schedule, you can do what you love: singing! So you can use your time wisely to develop your singing skills.

Two ways of teaching singing

There are two ways to train vocally online. Firstly, live lessons with a singing teacher of your choice. These lessons are usually arranged via Zoom or Skype. This saves you the time of travelling, is more flexible and you can take lessons from anywhere. The catch with these live online offers: As with on-site lessons, the vocal coach must be available at the times you want. However, this cannot always be guaranteed, especially since he also teaches other students. So you won't get an appointment at your whim here either.

So how can the problem of free availability be solved? The solution is a singing course that is available at any time. These courses exist. Depending on the level, they are aimed at beginners, advanced singers and professionals. They make learning to sing online completely independent because these courses are pre-produced and the exercises can be accessed around the clock, be it at six in the morning or half past twelve at night. The disadvantage of these video courses is the lack of personal support that you only get in a live lesson with a vocal coach. After all, personal questions arise in the course of the online singing courses and many people want the teacher to cater to their individual needs.

The perfect combination: online singing course + live coaching

That is why I am firmly convinced that the optimal solution in online singing lessons is a combination of both: the online video course on the one hand and the additional personal support by a professional singing coach on the other. Especially as a singing beginner, insecurities can be overcome and mistakes in vocal training can be avoided. My decision to produce such a combinable range of online singing courses came in the summer of 2019. I was on holiday and imagined how great it would be if singing students could access my lessons from anywhere, anytime and anywhere. "Online video lessons for singing, plus personal coaching - that would be it!" In November 2020, it was finally done. The filming was done, the videos edited and the courses went online. With over 90 exercises and more than 8 hours of video material.

Practise with videos in a double pack and improve your skills in no time at all! 

There are two videos for each vocal exercise: first an example video in which a pupil demonstrates the exercise, and then a video in which you can repeat the exercise on your own. 

If you practise singing regularly with the app, you will develop your vocal skills so that you can use them confidently at any time!

Group coaching and Facebook group

This combined online singing lesson with app is based on my 20 years of experience as a vocal coach. It is a step-by-step guide with video examples. As you can combine the singing courses with monthly group coaching, you also have the opportunity to ask questions online. Whenever you get stuck, you will receive answers that really help you and get you to your goal quickly and, above all, without detours. Another advantage: you benefit from the questions and suggestions of other online course participants. 

Between the individual group coaching sessions, you can also ask your questions about online singing lessons in a closed Facebook group. 

Perfectly matched to male and female voices!

Customised online courses instead of one-size-fits-all! There are different singing courses in the Singing Exercises app - one for women and one for men. Benefit from personalised training! I focus on the specific differences between men's and women's voices.

Flexible online or as an app for on the go

Since 2023, our singing app has been available for both iOS and Android, so you can also access the content offline as soon as you have downloaded it. No WLAN? No problem - practise when and where you want!

Sing Your Heart Out at Our Karaoke Evenings!

Do you love being on stage and want to improve your live performance? Would you also like to meet new singing enthusiasts and have a great time? Then I have just the thing for you! As a subscriber to my online courses, you can take part in regular karaoke parties in Berlin Friedrichshain. "Have your favourite songs in mind" and come along! Experience an unforgettable evening full of fun and music!

Try it out

Online singing lessons are an exciting topic and I am sure that great new possibilities will open up in this area in the next few years. I would be happy if this article has whetted your appetite to try out online singing lessons. Take a look at my website right now:
Click here for the online singing courses

Whether together, in the shower or in a virtual room: singing makes you happy.

Sing A Song - Be Happy

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